Shootings Shouldn't Be Normal

by Metro World Child
Every week all Metro World Child staff go to different areas all over New York City to invite new children to come to Sunday School and make home visits to the ones that already come. One day as one of our staff was out visiting she had a girl with her, who wanted to help hand out the Sunday School flyers to the other kids in the neighborhood.

As the two of them were walking down the street the girl said “There were two shootings here yesterday.” Our staff turned to her and asked if anybody had gotten hurt. The girl shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know” she replied, “there were just some shootings.”

She said it in a very casual and matter-of-fact way. It wasn’t the first time this had happened in her area. Shootings are something that these children are all too familiar with. It’s their everyday life. They grow up surrounded by violence.

Introducing these children to Jesus is a must. If we don’t then who will? Every day we have an opportunity to reach new children with the Gospel.

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