Singing Through the Bad Times

by Metro World Child
One Saturday in October, after the last Sunday School session was over, all children had been taken home - all except Jaylen*. When they got to his house nobody was there. So, the Metro staff on the bus left a note for the mom and decided to bring him back to the church.

It became dark outside and Jaylen hadn’t had anything to eat in a long time, so one of the staff bought him a sandwich. As they sat down together Jaylen started humming. The staff member asked him, “What are you singing?” He told her he was singing a song they had learned in Sunday School a few weeks ago, about how God is always with him. He said “when I’m sad and I sing it, it makes me happy!” She asked him if he sang it every time he was sad. He answered, “I sing it every day! But on the sad days it helps me a lot.”

*Name has been changed for privacy

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