The Power of a Hug

by Metro World Child
It was like you could actually see the words knock the wind out of the little boy. “Your mom hates you! She never loved you!” They were the taunts of another child to seven-year-old Trey*. Even thought he acted tough, you could see that the words cut right into his heart.

The reason it hurt so much was because he knew the words were true. Trey lives alone with his mom after his parents split up. Metro World Child have reported his mom cursing him out right before he steps onto the Sunday School bus. To make things worse, usually when he comes he hasn’t eaten anything all day, even though it’s late afternoon.

This particular day Trey was punching the seats to release his anger, like he often did. One staff member who knew Trey’s situation told him that if he didn’t stop acting up she would have to hug him the whole way home. He didn’t stop. So she sat down and hugged him. At first he tried to resist, but when he realized she wouldn’t let go he started hugging her back.

When it was time for Trey to get off the bus the staff member squeezed him and said “I love you!” Trey squeezed her back.

It dawned on her that was probably the most loving and genuine attention this little boy had gotten in a long time – if ever. The following week when the bus came to pick him up for Sunday School and he saw her waiting for him, his entire face lit up and he ran to the bus, full of excitement.

*Name has been changed for privacy.

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